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The Crypto Market Ecosystem has emerged as the most profound application of blockchain technology in finance. This textbook adopts an integrated approach, linking traditional functions of the current financial system (payments, traded assets, fundraising, regulation) with the respective functions in the crypto market, in order to facilitate the reader in their understanding of how this new ecosystem works.


Table Of Contents 


Table of contents :
Half Title
Series Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of Figures
1.1 The Financial System
1.2 First Bitcoin Transaction
2.1 Centralized, Decentralized, and Distributed Systems
2.2 How Blockchain Works
3.1 Types of Currencies in the Digital World
3.2 The Public and Private Keys of a Digital Wallet
3.3 Example of a Digital Transaction
3.4 Crypto Market Shares: January 2019
3.5 Crypto Market Shares: January 2014–2018
3.6 Types of Stablecoins
4.1 Price Increase from an Increase in Demand
4.2 Price Increase from a Decrease in Supply
4.3 Combined Effect of Monetary Policy and Economics of Utility
4.4 USD-BTC Candlestick Bar Chart: January–August 2019
4.5 USD-BTC Descending Triangle Pattern Example
4.6 Example of MACD
4.7 Example of PPO
4.8 Example of RSI
4.9 Different Forms of Efficient Market Hypothesis
5.1 Main Participants in an ICO
5.2 ICO vs. VC Funding: 2015–2017
5.3 Ten Most Important ICOs during 2013–2018
5.4 Number of ICOs and Total Funds Rose: 2017 and 2018
5.5 Main Steps in an ICO
5.6 Fundraising in Parallel with Token Release
5.7 Fundraising Prior to Token Release
List of Tables
3.1 Market Caps, Market Shares, and Prices of Top Eight Cryptocurrencies per Year
3.2 Examples of Stablecoins per Type
5.1 ICOs vs. IPOs
5.2 ICOs Vs Crowdfunding
6.1 Regulatory Approaches of Main Jurisdictions
1 The New Era of Encrypted Finance
1.1 The Traditional Financial System and Its Main Counterparts
1.2 The New Era of Finance: Encrypting the Financial System
1.3 Introducing the Main Counterparts of the New Encrypted Financial System
2 The Infrastructure: The Blockchain Technology
2.1 What is Blockchain Technology?
2.2 How the Blockchain Technology Works
2.3 How Blockchain Mining Works
2.4 Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms
2.5 Blockchain 2.0: The Ethereum Platform
2.6 Smart Contracts
2.7 Alternative Uses of Blockchain Technology
3 Traded Assets: Introduction to Cryptocurrencies
3.1 Definitions and Taxonomy: Digital Currencies, Virtual Currencies, Cryptocurrencies, and Tokens
3.2 How Cryptocurrency Transactions Work
3.3 Properties and Main Characteristics of Cryptocurrencies
3.4 Altcoins (Alternative Cryptocurrencies)
3.5 Trends in the Cryptocurrency Market
3.6 Stablecoins
4 “Tokenomics” and Valuation
4.1 Barriers to Pricing and Valuation
4.2 Token Supply and Demand Model
4.3 Quantity Theory of Money
4.4 Token Economics of Utility
4.5 Combining the Monetary Policies and the Economics of Utility
4.6 The Discounted Cash Flow Model
4.7 Technical Analysis
5 Fundraising: Initial Coin Offerings
5.1 Defining Initial Coin Offerings
5.2 The Road to ICOs
5.3 How ICOs Work
5.4 Main Features of an ICO
5.5 Tokens
5.6 The Importance of White Paper in ICOs
5.7 Comparing ICOs with IPOs and Crowdfunding
6 The Regulatory Framework
6.1 Introduction
6.2 United States
6.3 Singapore
6.4 Canada
6.5 China and South Korea
6.6 United Kingdom
6.7 Australia
6.8 Switzerland
6.9 Japan
6.10 European Union (EU)
6.11 Comparative Analysis and Conclusions of Regulatory Approaches

An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies: The Crypto Market Ecosystem (Contemporary I

$49.95 Regular Price
$29.97Sale Price
    • Categories:Business & Economics
    • Year:2020
    • Language:English
    • Pages:104 / 99
    • ISBN 10:0367370778
    • ISBN 13:9780367370770
    • File:PDF, 5.33 MB
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